Friday, May 3, 2013

Post 29: Food Containers that Respond to Sound and Light

Patent# UD 6796671 shocks the user while he or she is eating. It is the result of the fertile imaginations behind the toy company known as Ruddell Design. The patent for these Contact Activated Sound and Light Generating Novelty Food Containers, covers straws, spoons, and ice pops that use YOU or your food to complete an electrical circuit. It’s kind of like having your cake and being allowed to eat it too (or something like that).

The above illustration doesn’t show much, but it is the only one available with this patent
The process begins when a user drinks through a straw as this liquid provides an electrical path between electrodes. This invention is versatile because it also includes a sound/light-emitting toy that supports a piece of candy. By licking the candy, the user provides an electrical path between the electrodes, which closes a circuit and activates the light source.

Now let’s exam this funny patent. Novel? Maybe, I can’t think anyone else who want to have this crazy idea. The idea sound like someone who has Parkinson is eating his food. Non-obvious? Not for me. The patent surprises me, but not obvious enough for me. Useful? Unless someone wants to buy it and make jokes with his friends, I don’t see how useful the patent is. For those who plan to buy it, watch out for those sneaky electrodes when you eat and drink since they are everywhere! Validity? Yes for using as a fool day toy. But definitely NO for normal use. 

Post 28: No Smoking Sign Ashtray

No matter how you may feel about smoking, this No Smoking Sign Ashtray also known as Patent# US D 500166 is sure to make you smile. The ornamental design for a no smoking sign ashtray, as shown and described. The design patent for this invention came up for review in 2004 two and-a-half weeks before the New York City Council voted to ban cigarette smoking from bars and restaurants. The designer created this ashtray to simulate the sullen, silent outrage of city smokers.

Before we get to judge this silly and funny patent. For the USPTO to issue a patent, the invention must be novel, non-obvious, and useful. Now let us take a look at this patent. When I first looked at it, I was so surprised that it is actually called a patent. Clearly, it is not novel at all for 2004. We have seen so many different kinds of ashtray before, with music, light, and so on. Non-obvious? I doubt it. The patent is kind of boring for me. I wonder if that is because I am not a smoker. While I don’t see any attraction to the consumers at all. Usefulness? Sure. A “normal” ashtray for smokers to collect ash. Validity? Hmmmm. Maybe not for me. I am sure there is someone had this design before, but did not file a patent for it. Apparently, from the news above we know the inventor filed the patent before NY voted for banning smoking from bars and restaurants, so I think it is more like a political show to attract voters’ eyes. I don’t think many people will spend money for this “great idea” patent.